Swivel is a spin-to-win app for Slack, designed to help you boost team morale, celebrate wins, and have fun. In other words, you can win prizes in Slack! The app is fully customizable, and you can create as many rewards, spinners, and customizations as you'd like!
This post will cover different prize ideas to create as a custom prize in Swivel. If you're looking for how to create prizes inside of the app, check out this guide here. You can also leverage our HeyTaco, Bonusly, and Tango integrations to automate rewards there.
While the most creative prize ideas are ones that matter most to your team's values and culture, we compiled a list of fun, exciting, and unique rewards that can be created and offered in Swivel.
Cost: Free
Cost: $10+
Cost: $20+
Cost: $50+
Have a good idea to add, or looking for assistance creating these rewards in Swivel? Let us know!